After School Club

The Lakeside After School Club offers quality childcare for Lakeside School pupils (Reception-Year 6) and can offer 3 bands of childcare:

Band From To Price
A End of the school day 4.30pm £6.05
B 4.30pm 5.45pm £12.10 with a light tea
C End of the school day 5.45pm £16.95 with a light tea





Note - Band B is used when children attend an extra curriculum club but then need to go to After School Club afterwards.

Bands B & C both include a light tea consisting of a sandwich with a choice of filling, fruit and squash or water.

The club is situated in Hall 2 where children are looked after by qualified members of staff and can participate in any of the activities on offer daily.

All enquiries should be made through the office where access will be given to the Scopay booking system.

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