Welcome to FoLPS
Friends of Lakeside Primary School (FoLPS) is the school PTA (Parent Teacher Association) and was set up to help support Lakeside Primary School. Our main aim is to build a community of families from the school whilst also providing a little extra money in order to enhance the education of our children while they attend this school. Being an active FoLPS member is an excellent way to get to know your school community inside and out, as well as developing the social life of you and your family.
Why FoLPS Exists
In recent years FoLPS money has helped to fund iPads, netball kits, rucksacks and clipboards for school trips, the nursery refurbishment, new flooring in Hall 2 and the Dining Hall, interactive whiteboards and pens, playground games and equipment, musical instruments and trolleys, games/paints/activities for Golden Time, equipment for after-school clubs, art books and Christmas art paper. These are all things that have benefitted every child in the school.
We are currently fundraising to purchase a shelter to protect the children from the sun. Any funds that we raise this year will contribute towards this.
As well as our hugely popular fayres and discos, FoLPS has organised a wealth of social occasions for all the family over the years including quiz nights, camp nights, magic shows and movie nights. FoLPs would love to continue to organise these events and are open to ideas for new ones. The committee get together a couple of times per term to plan and organise the events and all parents/carers of Lakeside pupils are welcome to attend.
Volunteer to Help
We welcome all offers of help - from helping at one of the discos, making the tea and coffee on Sports Day to planning our fabulous Summer and Christmas fayres; from folding raffle tickets to arranging sponsorship and prizes for the Grand Draw. If you can donate some of your time, please just let us know! Could you get involved and help organise something? Do you have a group of parent friends that could get together and organise an event? It's great fun and very rewarding and it's also a great opportunity to meet other parents
Second Hand Uniform
FoLPS also run a Second Hand Uniform shop. Good quality used uniform is available to purchase (cash payments only) and this is run by parent volunteers. Please speak to the school office if you wish to purchase any uniform from us.
Website & Facebook
All our events and meetings are advertised on our website and this is also where you will be able to buy tickets for the events we organise as well as volunteer to help at them. You can also find out about the current FoLPS committee, other ways to fundraise (Easyfundraising, Everyclick etc.) and how to become a sponsor for our website.
We also advertise our events and communicate with parents via the FoLPS Facebook page.
Contact Us
Via our Facebook page: